Since the 1.5 version has many more scenes, you’ll have to play the game more than once to play them all. Watch 13+ Banned From Equestria online free, also similar walkthrough videos: Mostly Blind Let's Play Banned from Equestria (Daily) (10K Sub Special 3/4) Two Strays Play BANNED FROM EQUESTRIA Banned From Equestria - One Last Time and more. Of course, this guide has spoilers (duh) about which characters you can have your way with. Optional: Go to the everfree and go through it like this: right down down left right left right Once in the hut you will get a special Surprise :3 WARNING: DEATH (As of 1.4) Easter egg: Talk to big mac, right click and then select play WARNING: CAN'T STOP IT More BS mode: After Vinyl Scratch Sex scene click on the window After Pinkie Pie Sex scene click on the box in her room Place the Bottle of Wine outside of Berry Punch's house (Next to the spa) OR hold onto it for another scene Click on the CMC's clubhouse after the initial 'O_O' scene. Because yes, that’s the objective of the game. BANNED FROM EQUESTRIA DAILY 1.4 COMPLETE GUIDE: (READ IT!!!) Go to Twlights, say you're busy, read book Talk to Trixie, get Horn Get the Ball (Right of Trixie) Destroy the big rock Do Applejack's chore 1 time (Getting about 20ish) Go to Sugar Cube Corner, make present and make muffin, place present upstairs Eat Muffin Go back to Sweet Apple Acres Play AppleJack's game more Applejack Get Go to Trixie, break her shield, switch to shield breaker B, sex scene Trixe get Go back to Sweet Apple Acres and grind up to at least 50 Bits Go back to SCC and go upstairs, Pinkie Pie get Go up to Trixie AGAIN and break her shield, take the book under her hoof, and then have sex In the Morning go take Twilight the book Time will be extended by '3' more days Buy Train Ticket Become Pegasus Go to Spike and give him the ticket Go to Rainbow Dash (Above Trixie) and race her Rainbow Dash Get Go to Fluttershy's cottage and click on the window, once she freaks out and flies up, press the birdhouse Fluttershy Get Get Vinyl Scratch by clicking the center of the record and then entering Vinyl Scratch get Go to Spike and enter his Scene Twilight Sparkle Get The game will take you out, but it's just because of the version.